Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sheet Music Gift Wrap

I love the art of gift wrapping.  For me, the little details and the presentation of the gift are what matters most.  I adore this idea of using sheet music, old or new to wrap up your special gift for a unique touch.  You can take it a step further and search for music that matches the occasion.  Maybe it's the Happy Birthday song for a birthday gift, a special song that takes you and a friend back in time, or a love sonnet such as "The Greatest Love of All" for an anniversary.  

As a final detail try adding a vintage brooch, decorative button, or old piece of jewelry on top of a beautiful ribbon.  Whatever the occasion, this simple do-it-yourself gift wrap idea has a truly deeper meaning that adds to the gift itself.  So, next time you have a gift to give try adding a some music to your wrap and watch as you evoke a melody of pure joy!
Send us photo's of your beautifully wrapped creations.  We would love to post them and show them off for you.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I love this simple DIY idea for making an envelope.
Use a square paper doily and fold the sides in around your card or invitation. (You can find these at Joanne Fabrics or Michaels Craft Stores) Fold the sides and bottom in around your card or invitation so they overlap slightly.  Make sure to leave enough room to slide in your card or invitation. Use a clear glue stick to hold them in place. (See photo for folding example) 

Finally, you can add a wax initial stamp, sticker, or label for an added touch to seal your envelope. Simple, inexpensive, elegant, and a truly unique way to set the tone for your special occasion.
Have fun, and then send me a photo of your beautiful creation to post or let me know how it goes!